We Walk Together With
Walk Together Offers Leaders
We support leaders along their developmental journeys offering facilitated support over time to develop the skillsets they want to enhance in alignment to their change agenda, kaupapa and vision.
Working with Walk Together supports leaders to self-identify, cultivate and explore the concept of ‘leading from the front, the middle or from behind’. Leaders are able to explore diverse and creative leadership styles that adapt and are flexible to the change they are leading at any given time.
Leaders are supported to jointly develop clarity of shared-visions help to solidify agreed ways forward. They are crucial first steps in gaining trust and in bringing along people who support and embrace the kaupapa.
Leaders are able to ‘learn through and by doing’ with consistent mentoring. That enables them to practice and learn the facilitation skills necessary to continuously check the presence and intensity of authority, equity and collaboration.
Leaders learn to share and strategically distribute leadership roles and responsibilities by and through agreement, so that power and responsibilities become shared rather than concentrated at the top.
Working with authority across and within cultures, groups and within an organisation or collective is sometimes a neglected step. We support leaders to learn the strategies to seek, distribute and/or exercise authority, and to inspire and create opportunities for others to share leadership. Enhanced abilities to work with authority develops deeper levels of trust and respect, and helps to develop authentic working relationships and partnerships.