What sets us apart?

Our aspiration is to help people achieve the difference that they want to make, and to 'be the change they wish to see in the world'.

What sets us apart from other programs is our unique way of working in a ‘Between-World’, an intercultural space where different groups or cultures come together to work towards mutual agreement.

Individuals, groups and communities who work with Walk Together in this space know their values and ways of knowing and doing are supported and challenged, without losing the mana (integrity) of their own cultural identity. 

We help people and organisations work in this space to move towards culturally responsive systemic change while developing leadership, facilitation and intercultural competencies.

Walk Together can be used in facilitating and working with individuals, groups and organisations to work collectively and collaboratively for mutually beneficial outcomes.

We work with people and organisations that are:

    •    Committed to promoting equity, collaboration and prioritising relationships
    •    Open to new and different ways of going about change
    •    Wanting a focus on long-term change and building strong relationships
    •    Willing to build and work with, a critical mass to work towards a common goal
    •    Seeking a facilitator that supports and challenges a group to deal with and overcome conflict or competing values