Research & Design + Collecting Stories, Voices, and Insights + Retrospective Facilitation

Collaborating with Catalyse, Inspiring Communities, Community Waitakere and ANCAD, Arama played key roles in Research & Design, Te Ao Māori Perspectives Voice Collection, and Retrospective Facilitation. Leading a community gathering of 94 participants, Arama guided a retrospective workshop exploring the present and future states of Tāmaki Makaurau - Auckland, envisioning strengthened communities a decade ahead.

The request was for a participatory design workshop for a very diverse group of 94 participants from across Tāmaki Makaurau - Auckland. Arama's role involved interviews and voice collection, co-designing and facilitating a retrospective workshop. Arama supported the collective in identifying the desired future state, reverse mapping to the current state, and prioritising strategic milestones.


The process involved collaboratively defining needs with the lead research group and funding partners. Designing a 2.5-hour workshop, supporting and balancing the requirements of the hosts with the freedom for participants to express ideas and creativity freely, encouraging an uninhibited exchange within a structured framework.


The impact yielded a rich tapestry of interwoven world views on the desired future state and pathways to achieve it. This ongoing interactive process empowers the community to design its own trajectory. The workshop generated collective thinking, stories, and voices, serving as a foundation for continued collaboration and progress.


Arama was fabulous to work with! She embraced the kaupapa and helped steer the hui design and delivery in ways that shared key insights and were generous, respectful and inclusive. We are particularly grateful for her grace in involving a wide range of perspectives in a tight timeframe (both in the co-design and delivery phases); for helping us and the wider organising group better understand intercultural perspectives and ways of doing things; and her readiness to share and adapt a model that is so completely appropriate. Arama is a deep thinker, avid listener and clear communicator. She is a creative, honest, open and inspiring practitioner. We also very much appreciate her great humour. 

Denise Bijoux, Founder & Director - Catalyse