Our origins
We see Walk Together as a process that enables relationships between differing groups to be respected as means of reconciliation and future benefit to society and all people.
About WT International
Walk Together initially evolved from time in education and in working remotely as a teacher, principal and later Director of Education. The experiences and research of Dave Goddard in working between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal peoples in the 1990s. What was once called Collaborative Systemic Change, a collaboration between Dave, Nick Noris and Colin Bell, morphed into Walk Together. Since 2017, Walk Together has been developed between Dave as director of Walk Together International as a co-created process alongside Arama as director of Walk Together NZ. Over some three decades, these experiences culminated in the development of Walk Together International working with the late Nick Norris, Colin Bell and Arama Mataira. Dave has always presented Walk Together as a process that seeks to achieve connection and collaboration between different cultures. It is a process that will improve outcomes and benefits for people with differing values, irrespective of the basis of the difference if undertaken with a clear purpose, goodwill and respect for difference.
About Walk Together NZ
In 2011, as Principal, Arama played a pivotal role in Wiluna Remote Community School's Two-Way transformation, involved in supporting the establishment of a co-governance structure for systemic change, embracing two-way learning, methodologies and pedagogies. At that time Walk Together was chosen by the school board of trustees to facilitated thier change journey and to establish a formal community partnership to advance wellbeing and two-way learning for Wiluna learners. In 2017, Arama founded Walk Together in Aotearoa with the blessing of Dave Goddard, bringing this impactful approach to spaces around New Zealand. She has been actively involved in a diverse range of Walk Together engagements and is concentrating on expanding Walk Together in 2024.